Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rising of the "poison" and also made time?

Rising frame-up by government officials colluded with the news industry peers, has been hot for a few days in the circle, and the Rising of the news, I have been holding a cautious attitude, so has not been making comments, there is reason to Rising is a virus sector real boss, will inevitably cause some opponents of the attacks; Second, a long time in CNbeta Rising comments which are not technology companies, a public relations firm, and therefore would like to see this news came out, what will be online within a few days results.

A few days later, the Internet is indeed a placid look, which in the google search for Rising-related news, you will find mixed, and did not form a one-sided condemnation of public opinion, looks really Rising power of public relations is not bragging.

See the google news search out a topic: Rising ass is clean if you cry it is useless to make people think this sentence is really happy.

The truth of what exactly is, I tend to believe, including "Science and Technology Daily" and other offline media, signed survey articles, we all know, in recent years to create a rumor on the Internet is easy, like in Science and Technology Daily newspaper, Rising tax laws in accordance with: "This article is completely false Xuewu elaborate creation, an attempt to topple Rising through the hands of the media to achieve their ulterior commercial purpose!" personally feel a little fantasy, and if so clear News reports are carefully planned cooked up, then you can Xiecai of Science and Technology Daily.

Rising to the past few years has been developed and to suppress competitors past evil deeds, the reliability of this information is very high, but at this time why everyone speechless? I am afraid that so many years inside or with the Rising shown strong public relations forces that, as now reflected in the same line, despite press releases for several days, but to search out the negative remains limited.

From this point, said Rising's now like early last year, Sanlu case.

In fact, competition within the industry is a very normal thing, but actually can make Rising bribe government officials, frame counterparts, and vice president of the MSI directly sent to jail for something, or make us surprised, but switched to another think that if this kind of thing can do, then, of course, a good fit Rising, Rising all if can not make here, then who can make out? particular, the two micro-point veterans of the old unit is Rising, Rising fixed point ruthless is easy to understand. Only this time, moving too far, missing a number of professional ethics is a small matter, violated state laws as nothing, a little narrow for their own corporate interests, advanced technology block is despicable. From this point, said Rising This is the human actions can not.

Moreover, in the frame in the process of micro-point, and a virus to someone else's computer contained more details, really chilling to Rising current installed capacity, want to confirm if the Rising, such as their ability to quickly check narcotics, anti-virus capability , antivirus fast pace of the class Youdian, will also what such should be passed the client will release the virus samples out, play a thief crying stop thief's farce? Though still only a guess, but the benefit to customers Zai psychological panic Kongpayijing Wufa Rising public relations by force removed.鍐嶄竴娆℃兂璧蜂笁鑱氭鞍鑳轰簨浠讹紝姣斿鏈?繎鐨勫缇庢粙锛屽氨绠楁槸鍥藉璐ㄦ鎬诲眬璇翠簡娌℃湁锛屾垜鎯充紬澶氬濡堜滑涔熸棭灏辨姏寮冨缇庢粙浜嗐?浣曞喌锛岀憺鏄熻繖娆¤繕鏄瘉鎹‘鍑匡紝杩炶嚜宸辩殑鍓?閮藉凡缁忚鎶撲簡锛岃浜哄浣曠浉淇$憺鏄熺殑鎵?皳鍙嶉┏涔嬭瘝鍛?


Rising This scene, sung today, is actually pronounced by the Court to wait for that moment, had not much time left to show the Rising, Rising There is another point if the minimum social ethics, or at least have a bit of conscience, please be kind to you users, treat your employees, give them a bright road, the responsibility that came out a few things clear earlier, give us an explanation.


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